
Join Our Team

The Urban Design Forum welcomes energetic, reliable, and resourceful individuals to be part of our team through internships and volunteer positions.


The Forum offers internships to undergraduate and graduate students in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Time commitments are flexible; a minimum of two days per week is preferred. To apply, please send your cover letter, resume, and 1-3 page writing sample (as .doc or .pdf only, please) to [email protected].

Research Internship

Interns assist with research for symposia, lectures and publications. Interns are responsible for conducting literature reviews, preparing graphic materials and factsheets, transcribing and editing proceedings of past programs, and assisting with other administrative tasks as required.

Development Internship

Interns assist with fundraising initiatives and communications. Interns are responsible for developing and assisting with membership campaigns; managing the website, social networks, and online membership directory; and providing on-site assistance for conferences, tours and other events.

Archival Internship

Interns assist with researching and writing institutional history; transcribing and editing proceedings of past programs; and assisting with other administrative tasks as required.


The Forum welcomes part-time volunteers to assist with event coordination, graphic design, web design, or video editing. To apply, please send a cover letter (as .doc or .pdf only, please) with your contact information, areas of interest, and previous volunteer experience to [email protected].

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